Google’s Vision: Here’s the Web in 20 Years

Google's Vision

Marissa Mayer, vice head of the search engines of their character giant Google has spoken in the course of an interview with Bloomberg Business Week about the future of search. According to Mayer, the Google search in 20 years have been developed so far that she already knows what one is looking before one’s self-conscious about it – because the Google user knows so well.

Google’s Web search know what you are looking for

Mayer explained that at first glance, crazy statement, pointing out that Google is within the next two decades in the development of increasingly put a focus on the fundamentals of the precalculation and suggestions (“predict and suggest”). Ideally, the Web could be eventually progressed so far that the questions can be answered by users, before they were ever made. Mayer sees the future of search in one direction walking, which is even more personal for students. Although Google can not know the future necessarily, what restaurants you like, for example, concretely, if one stays in a new city. However, Google could know that you have a weakness for pizza and prefers a casual and relaxed bars locations over high-priced restaurants.

So it does not stop but, the executive vice president of Google – the search engine should be in a position to connect people who know each other yet, but know because of the strong correlation of their interests should. This indicates in the broadest sense suggests that Google is taking another step towards social networks to underpin in this way, the results strongly. First steps have already been taken by the data feed and Goolge + +1 button in the search.

Google is on its way to many construction sites to work on his core product. Even the self-driving car is a part of it. Mayer performs this: The driver of a car receives an input from the road over 400 sources, such as the Route and the surrounding traffic. Select the software for the self-propelled vehicles must be out of these many different factors to the proper input and incorporate it into an appropriate driving behavior. This is where the same problem as with the Google search. According to Mayer, there could be more projects of this kind, in an unconventional way of approaching the search. Even Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google had already made similar remarks.

Google’s product line – user-orientation in focus

Given the outlook for the future of Google search, you would think that Google takes the privacy of users and for all these centers of art evaluates what could inevitably lead to invasion of privacy. Mayer contends on this aspect that Google every tool and feature before release then examined whether and to what extent this requires the user to give up their privacy. She explained that it was anxious to Google to keep the “scary” factor as low as possible by making the necessary trade-off between user data and functionality.

In the course of the interview, Mayer went on Larry Page as the new CEO, replacing last year, Eric Schmidt. Due to the change of leadership to be considered more attention to optimize the products further and the parties involved in the development of employees’ awareness on making the products more user-friendly – what you can see from the unified user interface for all Google services very well.

Google’s long-term planning indicates that the search giant has big plans. However, I am skeptical that you can see in the face of the extremely fast technological development actually 20 years into the future. Let’s see first of all, what in the next 5 years to come to us.


Posted by on March 30, 2012. Filed under Articles, Google, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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