Google Shows Users Personal Statistics

Google Shows Users Personal StatisticsMarch 28 corporation Google introduced a service for users of personal statistics. The announcement of this appeared in the official blog of the corporation.

The service will generate monthly reports on user activity in some of the products Google. For example, for Gmail will display the number of messages sent during the reporting period, and recipients who were sent the most letters, and other information.

In addition to Gmail, service includes search engine, video hosting YouTube, Picasa and photo hosting service for geolocation Latitude. Include statistics, you can in the settings, or by going to a special page .

After that, Google will send a link to a monthly report. The corporation emphasize that the information provided will learn, for example, does not have a malicious access to your account. The user will need to check the list of cities and browsers with which to log into his account. If suspicious activity is detected, Google recommends changing the password.

Reports can be build for any period. At the same time if you want any of them the user can remove. When you turn on the service displays a message that the first report will be ready in a few days.


Posted by on March 29, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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