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Jailbreak for iOS 7.0.5 Now Available

If you wanted to upgrade but not let you jailbreak, or if you wanted to upgrade jailbreak but do not allow it, no problem, it has already reached the jailbreak for iOS 7.0.5 , the latest operating system for Apple mobile devices . It has arrived  for iOS 7.0.5 jailbreak with evasi0n 7 1.0.5.As reported Pod2g , one of its […]

The Problems of the iPhone 5 Jailbreak and Solutions

As of yesterday, February 4, 2013 , you can run the jailbreak of the iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad and fourth-generation and fifth generation iPod touch  and the jailbreak all iOS devices that mount 6. Let’s see what are the problems encountered by us and by the majority of users.

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Guide: How to Jailbreak iPhone 5 and all iOS 6 Devices

Evasi0n is the program to run the Untethered Jailbreak on all iOS devices 6. It was released a few Hours. Here is the step by step guide to perform the entire process of the jailbreak on your devices.

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How to Prepare to Jailbreak iOS 6.1 with all Apple Devices

Missing very little, probably on Sunday will be the day of the release of the first Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5, iPad, iPad mini and fourth generation, as well as you all iDevices with iOS 6.1. With this article we want to share with you what the Revoseek considers the “guidelines” to follow to prepare for […]

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Evasi0n Released iOS 6 Jailbreak

Evasi0n Released iOS 6 Jailbreak web page, where you can download the software of the jailbreak that has been updated with the link to download the tool that allows you to run the jailbreak on all the devices with iOS 6 including iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad, fourth and fifth generation iPod touch. Here are the details.

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evasi0n: jailbreak Tool of iOS 6.x Could Release this Sunday

The  evad3rs , the new team of jailbreak scene consisting of MuscleNerd , pimskeks ,  planetbeing  , and pod2g , announced the name of the upcoming iOS jailbreak tool in 6.x : evasi0n The  evasi0n  will support all iOS devices that have installed iOS 6, iOS 6.0.1, iOS 6.02 and iOS 6.1 except Apple TV 3rd gen!

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Chronic jailbreak Dev Team Officially Abandoned

Joshua Hill, aka p0sixninja and famous exponent of the scene of the jailbreak today announced the official close of the Chronic-Dev Team , one of the most prolific hacker teams in the history of the changes to the iPhone. From 2009 to date, for four years, the Chronic-Dev Team has delighted the jailbreak scene with a number of important tools. For the […]

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Pod2g: Jailbreak is Ready, We are Waiting for iOS 6.1

After a long silence, in recent days there has been an overdose of updates by hackers working on the jailbreak of iOS 6. But with his last message, Pod2g makes us imagine that the jailbreak is ready. First a brief summary: major changes begin when Pod2g finished his work commitments, it focuses on Jailbreak iOS 6 […]

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Jailbreak for Windows 8 RT

A developer using the alias “clrokr” has found a way i.e. a security mechanism of Windows RT – to trick the code integrity check – the version of Windows 8 for tablets with ARM processor. This way should be let on the Surface Tablet and other devices running Windows RT start and unsigned desktop applications. The […]

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Untethered Jailbreak of iOS 6 is Already Available, but not in a Public

The popular front jailbreak hackers, Planetbeing, claims to be in possession of the version of iOS 6.0.2 untethered  jailbreak  and explains, in a comment on Reddit, why has not yet been publicly released. Planetbeing was one of the key elements of the world of the jailbreak in the early days, and was one of the creators of ultrasn0w which is  a […]

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pod2g Claims ” No Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5″

iPhone 5 is currently not available to any kind of jailbreak, and this is one of the most critical situations that the world of the jailbreak has ever faced . According to the hacker pod2g, this could also be the possibility that Apple will open its doors in native way to tweak and various customizations of the system.

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Hackulous Closes: The end of Piracy and the Beginning of a New Jailbreak

Hackulous closes its doors, interrupting the development of AppSync and simultaneously blocking the use of Installous. We were unsure if touching a hot topic as well but we could not escape from giving a news story so important.

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