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Nokia vs Apple in the Standard of Nanosim

When it comes to mobile technology design then every millimeter counts. Other characteristics is what giants are basing to make their design such that it is chosen to be standardized. Nokia offers a design solution, apparently also Motorola, RIM and Apple offers another.All based on what each company believes that if in future Nanosim coming from one or another way. 

iCloud Services Problems Solved on Apple TV

Apple has confirmed and resolved within a few hours the problems that have plagued the services of icloud on iTunes devices for Apple TV .

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Apple Buys “Chomp Application Finder” for App Store Research

Apple has acquired a small Chomp , start-up success that has shown all its worth by acting in harmony with the App Store in Cupertino. The team of Tim Cook has clearly recognized the quality of service and team work and therefore decided to measure the full ownership (which rarely action the group has done, historically preferring […]

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Mountain Lion OS X will be Sold Only on the Mac App Store and Not USB (Download)

Mountain Lion OS X has come to light a few hours ago, and we’re still discovering all the details that Apple poses. Besides all the features announced at the official website of the company is always the fine print, those details that maybe overlooked in the descriptions but end up influencing the user in some way. From […]

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The iPad 3 Arrives on March 6?

Busy day of rumor for iPad 3 , the imminent new tablet of Cupertino. After the leak of the new houses and a part of the Retina panel manufactured by Sharp, is the turn of the possible date for public presentation. According to All Things D , the influential head of Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, the successor of iPad 2 […]

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Apple TV:New Agreements with Suppliers

Continue to chase the rumors regarding a possible launch of a television set with the famous brand of the bitten apple. The latest bear the signature of Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray for a long time close to the world of Cupertino, who claims that Apple was recently approached at least one Asian group […]

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Apple Released OS X 10.7.3 Lion (Download)

  After several weeks of gestation, accompanied by a series of previews shown to developers around the world, Apple has officially released OS X 10.7.3 Lion , the latest edition of the Mac operating system dedicated to the world This is a new release is not particularly rich in foreground, as directed primarily to the correction of […]

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OS X Lion in a Browser with CSS 3

The lion was locked up in a browser: the latest edition of OS X Lion , the operating system from Apple that is dedicated to the Mac world, it has been emulated in a web app built using the latest technologies in development-oriented network, such as style sheets CSS 3. The result is a page that faithfully reproduces […]

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Apple Has Just Broken the Threshold of 400 Billion Dollars of Capitalization

Fresh of the announcements made during the event in New York ( iBooks  2 and Author iBooks ) that Apple has just broken the threshold of 400 billion dollars of capitalization . It is the first time that Cupertino reach this goal and despite a few hours after you reported is around 398 billion, is a rising really important for a company that continues to grind after […]

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iPhone OS 5.1: Quadcore Chips Arrive

The next iDevice may be equipped with a quadcore chip . It is the careful analysis reveals the latest beta of iPhone OS 5.1 , which has revealed a few strings of code specifically designed for this type of processors. Given the upcoming release is the upgrade of IOS that iPad 3 , it is likely that the technology will be incorporated in […]

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The Premier League on Apple TV?

Apple would be ready to jump into the world of sports . It could do so in style, getting the rights to stream to one of the football leagues of the world’s most important Premier League . The agreement could take a short in the United Kingdom, but it seems that Cupertino is determined to forge agreements around the sports world.

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