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10 signs that you are dating a psychopath

If you know your soulmate in this article, we have bad news for you. One percent of the world’s population is psychopaths. The psychopath is not the person who is waiting for you to be sharpened in a dark staircase. This is not a serial killer and not a resident of the hospital for the mentally ill. This may be your […]

Health tips for IT freelancers

Self-employed and freelancers should pay close attention to their health. Because if they fail due to illness, they usually have no income. Therefore, here are some health tips on how to preserve your health, as well as zest for life and performance. There are a few things that are crucial for your future physical and mental well-being: […]

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This is how you can best predict the future

The future – how it will be? Here are the best strategies if you want to succeed in looking into it. You can best predict the future after reading the below article. Looking into the future is difficult. But with predictive analysis based on historical data combined with analytical tools we can predict the future. The analytical […]

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How to keep the brain young

To remain energetic, creative and sensible, change your habits and keep the brain young. A few generations ago, people did not hope to live to 50 years. Fortunately, today most of us have a chance to live 20–40 years longer. However, over the years, the brain is harder to do its job. A sedentary lifestyle and bad […]

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Where to invest extra money in 20, 30 and 40 years

You started earning more than you spend. Received a large bonus for a deal or inheritance. Won the lottery and got a large amount. What to do with the money – Let’s read this article to explore where to invest extra money? Where to invest extra money in 20 years In education Behind his shoulders is several years of […]

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How to change life to make it more pleasant?

These tips will help if you do not completely transform your life, then in any case make it much more pleasant. Can you change life to make it more pleasant ? This feeling is probably familiar to you: 10 am, you are already on the cocked from the third cup of coffee and in your head, […]

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How to recognize a mental disorder by the manner of communication

Be attentive to the little things: sometimes the strange behavior of a person is nothing but the symptoms of a disease.Here we discuss different types of mental disorder and their identification methods. Depression According WHO, Depression is the most common mental illness: more than 300 million people around the world suffer from it. With depression, there is a […]

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How to quickly cure a cold

8 ways that really work to cure a cold and flue. A cold can have a dozen reasons.e.g 10 Reasons You Have a Runny Nose. Some reasons are ARVI, infections to seasonal allergies, hormonal changes and a sharp temperature difference. But it is not important. Regardless of the cause of the snot or nasal congestion, there are simple ways to […]

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2.5 hours a week that will prolong your life

Scientists have found that it is not necessary to go to the gym and train a lot to reduce the risk of heart disease and premature death. Prolong your life with the tips discussed in this article. How much and how to move to prolong your life From 2003 to 2010, Canadian scientists conducted one […]

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Understand how the 5G will allow remote surgeries

While the medical staff only watches the operation, the robotic arms will perform the Remote surgery. Surgery will be performed from Distance from anywhere on the planet.The medical surgeon commands the device with millimetric precision in real time which is a kind of video game of life. Closer to becoming a worldwide reality, the 5G will bring much more […]

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How to reduce Blood pressure: 6 quick ways that will surely work

The 6 quick ways will help to forget about high blood pressure forever. High pressure kills. And this is not a metaphor. In the US alone, this cardiovascular problem kills over a thousand lives a day.High Blood Pressure Facts will help us in this regard. What is high pressure and why is it dangerous? Increased pressure is called a silent killer, and […]

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Flu vaccine – to do or not (A complete overview)

Ahead of winter and a flu epidemic. Revoseek figured out whether the Flue vaccine will help you and your child, who will run to the clinic, and who should not risk it.Here we will discuss the advantages and effects of flue vaccine. Why do you need a flu vaccine? Vaccination is the only reliable way to […]

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