Health tips for IT freelancers

Self-employed and freelancers should pay close attention to their health. Because if they fail due to illness, they usually have no income. Therefore, here are some health tips on how to preserve your health, as well as zest for life and performance.
Health tips for it freelancers

If you work a lot you have to pay attention to your health in order to stay productive in the long term. Photo: Sergey Nivens –

There are a few things that are crucial for your future physical and mental well-being: you should pay attention to a balanced and healthy diet. Your work-related lack of exercise should be compensated if possible by regular sports. Also, learn to deal with stress ( stress management ) and get your health checked regularly by a doctor.

Here are ten specific tips on how you can preserve your zest for life and professional performance in the long term:

1. Nutrition

Eat well. Make sure you have a low-fat diet that is rich in fiber and vitamins. Take plenty of fluids (tea, mineral water, juices), especially in the hot summer months.

2. Goodbye cigarettes

If not already done, stop smoking and drink a little alcohol.

3. Sport

Do sports two or three times a week; especially those who spend 40 to 50 hours per week in the office, in the car or at business lunches, need regular exercise to compensate.

4. Stamina

Health sports is endurance sports. Therefore, you should exercise slowly and for a long time. Because the body’s fat reserves are converted into energy only after about 30 minutes of physical activity to a greater extent.

5. Do not overdo it

When you start practicing sports as a “sports muffle”, you should pay attention to your current physical abilities. A medical check-up should be at the beginning of your career as a hobby athlete.

6. Back pain

Who spends most of the day sitting in the office should move in between. Stretching and strengthening exercises strengthen the core muscles and prevent back pain.

7. Relaxation

Even if it is difficult for you, you should definitely switch off after work! Give your body enough sleep. Anyone who does a lot during the day also needs sufficient recovery periods.

8. Recognize stress

Self-employed (entrepreneurs and executives) are exposed to many stress factors due to their job . Learn to recognize stress symptoms early. Try to avoid stress situations as much as possible, and relieve the accumulated “stress” through sports and relaxation exercises.

9. Medical examination

A regular medical check-up helps to detect possible illnesses at an early stage. Recognized in time, most diseases are curable.

10. Efficiency

If you already take the above points into account, you will maintain your health-promoting behavior in the future. This helps you to stay healthy and fit and to preserve your joie de vivre as well as (professional) performance.

Please share your health tips that are useful for others.


Posted by on November 18, 2018. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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