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Foxconn will Build Smartphones for Microsoft and Amazon

Foxconn has received orders for smartphones from Microsoft and Amazon. The IT industry newspaper Digitimes reported that both companies are citing supplier of contract manufacturer. The subsidiary Foxconn International Holding which also mounted for Nokia, Sony, Lenovo, Huawei and ZTE is said to have given the orders. Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry) is the largest contract manufacturer for […]

“Cool” Apple’s Response to the “Hot” New iPad

After reports of the first users of the new iPad at the Apple Support forums that the device becomes very hot after several minutes , Apple said in the press. The Apple responds that the new iPad despite the fact that the screen has Retina, chips A5X, support for 4G LTE, retain its autonomy in the 10 […]

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Tim Cook Talks About OS X Mountain Lion and Future of Mac OS X

The Wall Street Journal has been able to interview Tim Cook after the announcement of Mountain Lion tearing some interesting statements about the future of Mac OS X and assimilating IOS features.As noted in the American newspaper, Mountain Lion is the clearest sign of Apple’s belief that the world of mobile devices, laptops and desktops are designed to converge , and […]

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The iPad 3 Arrives on March 6?

Busy day of rumor for iPad 3 , the imminent new tablet of Cupertino. After the leak of the new houses and a part of the Retina panel manufactured by Sharp, is the turn of the possible date for public presentation. According to All Things D , the influential head of Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, the successor of iPad 2 […]

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Apple Intends to Hire New Officers for Cloud Computing

Apple intends to hire new officers to be placed in the branch of the company for the cloud to strengthen its presence in the digital cloud. Apple’s interest against the “cloud” is getting stronger. After the launch of icloud, followed weeks later by iTunes Match, the group of Cupertino plans to strengthen its internal structure to include […]

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Yahoo! loses interest of advertisers

Yahoo! loses interest advertisers, say representatives of the advertising business. This could push the company to accelerate the negotiations for the sale of business. The deteriorating financial results, companies can reduce the interest in it to potential investors While Yahoo! speculates on the possibility of its sale , advertising companies, forming the basis of its income is weakening. This was reported […]

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Siri is Not Smart Enough [Hacked on iPhone 4]

The question is whether Apple’s intelligent assistance system Siri runs on older Apple smartphone seems to be answered a hobbyist, it is according to a report of9 to 5 Mac managed to migrate to the new iPhone software on an iPhone 4S imaginary fourth So far there is only a mere “proof of concept” version In a video shows developer Steven Troughton […]

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Sony Wants Independence Back and Offer Their Own Smartphones

In 2001, the mobile specialist Ericsson, and the entertainment giant Sony in a 50-50 joint venture under the name Sony Ericsson joined forces.Now Sony wants to buy insider reportedly free from the partnership. As the Wall Street Journal reported the reason for Sony to want to have more control over the smartphone

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Samsung’s New Front Against iPhone

The South Korean electronics giant Samsung , in his legal battle with Apple on another site and wants to take action in France and Italy against the sale of the new iPhone 4S. The company said Wednesday in Seoul. The South Koreans have accused Apple of violating the iPhone on Tuesday introduced new model at least two patents for mobile technology, […]

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Google Set Up a New Extremely Cool Data-Centre in Finland

Google Set up its new European Data-Center in Finland. Reason for choosing is the Extreme cold Environment. There have already been pre-considerable attention round the new information center, as a result of the cooling is with water pumped from the ocean. The water is retrieved through a tunnel within the rock below the information center […]

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