Google Set Up a New Extremely Cool Data-Centre in Finland

Google Set Up a New Ultra Cool Data Centre in FinlandGoogle Set up its new European Data-Center in Finland. Reason for choosing is the Extreme cold Environment.

There have already been pre-considerable attention round the new information center, as a result of the cooling is with water pumped from the ocean. The water is retrieved through a tunnel within the rock below the information center and is employed to stay the servers cool through heat exchangers. Google has additionally put in a wind-turbine that provides power to the information center.

Google has its new data center over the weekend in Hamina in south-eastern Finland. Economy Minister Jyri Hakamies was present at the opening. Fifty people will work in the data center.Google has the former paper mill worker employed in the beginning of 2008 only 450 people, were purchased in February 2009 for 40 million € .


As the Wall Street Journal reported that the construction of the data center, including the purchase of the building has cost 273 million U.S. dollars. The main reason for the settlement was the cold air in the port city of Hamina. Cooled, the servers in Hamina with seawater.

Al Verney, Google spokesman said in Benelux

When building a data center there are a number of cost items. This includes expenditure on land, the building itself and the server equipment. But the key point in the last few years, the cost of cooling the server .

Google required in 2010 for the operation of its data centers around 2.26 TWh of electrical energy, most of it for the data center to cool the server. 2.26 terawatt-hours equivalent to the annual consumption of 200,000 U.S. households. On the global energy consumption data centers have already accounted for 1.5 percent. The trend is growing strongly.

Hamina will be by the cold sea water and low air temperatures is one of the most energy-efficient data centers Google. Google has restored a sea water cooling system of the paper mill in its tunnel system.

Verney Said that

We have decided to reuse the site as much infrastructure as possible and we could do this well water tunnel

On the northeast coast of the neighbouring country Sweden,  Facebook also planning to build a data center. In the city of Lulea, the annual average temperature of 2 degrees Celsius.The data center is expected to cost 3 to 5 billion Swedish kronor (454-758 million U.S. $).

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Posted by on September 16, 2011. Filed under Google, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.