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“Google Now” will Soon Come to iOS

A new video from Mountain View announces that , Google Now , will soon be available for Apple devices with operating system iOS . Google Now , like many other Google products, come to iPhone & iPad in promptly bringing the world to the world Apple Google.

Apple’s Inventory Management is a Global Best

There are many things that make Apple’s successful.The company has market value in the current world’s largest Trade Pool. Indeed Apple has the most appropriate hardware and software, premium brand positioning, customer care  but question is that  how to managed by apple ?  More or less, we would’ve read a few articles explaining the success of Apple’s […]

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The New iPad Screen View With a Microscope

Another thing to notice is the difference between the display of the new iPad and the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S . While the screens of the three devices are named Retina display, the test indicates no difference between the phones and the tablet, leaving the conclusion that there are two types of Retinal Display . While the smaller screens used in […]

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How Much Data Actually Consumed By Siri?

If you pay attention to the news, especially those coming from traditional media will notice that there is a curious emergence of reports on the alleged massive use of the data connection by Siri on the iPhone 4S , examples:

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IOS Devices Outnumber Mac Web Traffic for the First Time

Chitika advertising network, similar to AdSense, mainly aimed at mobile devices yesterday published data that showed the increase in web traffic IOS devices with respect to the Mac . These data show how since last August web traffic between the devices IOS and Mac has been converging to finally be overcome in the month of February. This is […]

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One Like Son:The First Music Album Recorded with iPhone

The complex “One Like Son” from Alabama after 10 year absence from the music came back strongly with the accompaniment of an iPhone. The frontman of the band, Stephen Poff, stated that the entire new album will be recorded to track applications of the iPhone. The disc, which consists of eleven songs and belongs to Stephen […]

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Motion Controlled iPhone Interface in 3D

  Apple has applied for a patent in the U.S., which describes an innovative control system, when the user moves with bare movements of iPhones through a 3D environment.

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Christmas 2011: MacBook Air at Peak, iPad Slows Down

The feasts of Christmas 2011 is almost upon us and, as for over five years, Apple products are literally steals. The iPhone OS devices continue to keep their balance on the podium between electronic devices sold, but at home in Cupertino, there are surprises like that is unwelcome:The MacBook Air at peak and  iPad 2  slows down. The sales data, as well […]

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17 Secrets iOS 5 For the iPhone

Upgrade to the “five” were quick to all holders of “iPhones“, whose apparatus for it is not too old. But not everyone mastered the tricks of the new operating system. we tells you what and where to click to go to the “you” in communion with the gadget. Read in today’s material of the 17 secrets of iOS […]

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Will iPhone 5 Succeed to Eliminate ” The Generation Gap” ?

Will upcoming iPhone 5 be equally popular  in  both elders and youngsters ? Acting president of HTC America Martin Fichter says that the iPhone is losing its appeal in the younger generation of smartphone users. When young people see their parents and older people using the popular smartphone, the phone becomes less hip .He says,

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Amazing iOS Jailbreak Techniques [I0n1c’s Presentation]

Stefan Esser, conjointly referred to as “I0n1c”, the hacker behind the iOS 4.3.1 untether has created an incredible presentation on the newest iOS jailbreak techniques. Esser created the presentation for Black Hat last month. Way to “Exploit iOS Kernel”…

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