How Much Data Actually Consumed By Siri?

"Siri" or "Spy" It Can leakout Your Informations

If you pay attention to the news, especially those coming from traditional media will notice that there is a curious emergence of reports on the alleged massive use of the data connection by Siri on the iPhone 4S , examples:

It’s pretty funny, but although all the above sections refer to the same study (Arieso), in some cases double speak in other cases of triple data consumption compared to previous versions of the iPhone.

But even more curious is the fact that the study of Arieso not a single mention of Siri . What I explained is that, compared with the iPhone 3G (a terminal that has four years of being released), the iPhone 4S consumes 276% more data.

Is 276% more? Not really. In 2007, along with the iPhone 3G, launched the App Store. In those days there was no software that made audio stream (like Spotify or Rdio ) and there were not popular social networks like Instagram (based on photographs).

That was much more expensive up 30 or 40 photos in one go to your Facebook (or had an app yet, nor were they so popular today), data connections unconcerned we see five or six videos on YouTube did not exist at any time and 4S iPhone camera is considerably higher than that of 3G.

But that’s not all: Ars Technica also did a study that analyzes what the real data consumption by Siri beyond speculation. The results are very interesting. If you are using Siri:

  • 2 or 3 times daily intake is about 5.5 MB monthly .
  • 4 to 6 times a day, consumption is of 7MB to 11MB per month .
  • 10 to 15 times a day, consumption is 18.5 MB to 27.7 MB per month .

That is, extremely low. The traffic you send and receive Siri is basically “text”, which displays data and transforms voice.


Posted by on February 27, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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