“Augmented Reality Glasses”, Released Before the End of the Year

Augmented Reality Glasses- Released Before the End of the YearGoogle is working on “augmented reality glasses,” reminiscent of the functional vision of the movie “Terminator.” It is learned that superochki may be on sale until the end of this year.

Recall that in the “augmented reality glasses”, integrated small screen, which displays information about those objects for which the owner is looking gadget. built into your camera transfers all that he sees the owner points in the Google cloud services , where the display device translates the geographical or any other information.

Points can be controlled without using their hands , making head movements, or giving voice commands. In addition to camera with flash and wireless module in the glasses will build GHz processor and operating system Android.

According to a new piece of data that appeared recently on the Internet, Google plans to release the points already this year. To cost the gadget will be in the range from 250 to 600 dollars , experts say. According to them, glasses are not designed for constant wear and should be used as needed in the information they provide.

It is worth noting that analysts Portal PC World reacted to the new product with caution. First, they questioned the “unstable” nature of the use of glasses and the associated risk of accidents . Suffice it to recall that a set of sms-messages on smartphones and cell phones is often a cause of accidents, although these devices are even less suitable for permanent use.

In addition, experts are skeptical and confidentiality of private data.”The power of Google lies in knowing what you are doing on the Internet – said Damon Brown. – With these points Google receives unprecedented access to information about where you live and work, is talking to whom and what to buy in the shops. “


Posted by on February 27, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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