Mercedes Benz Takes Siri for Their Class-A


Siri continues to reap success, and it could be assumed that sooner or later show up other forms of artificial intelligence advantage . Mercedes Benz has taken the personal assistant to the iPhone and integrated into its new range of models Class A.

Logically, we need a iPhone with Siri on board for the wizard to give us instructions or information from the controls of the car. The application that performs integration is Digital DriveStyle , accompanied by the Drive Kit Plus for the iPhone . With both systems, the drivers of these vehicles may see on the digital display information provided by Siri, thanks to an optimized interface for this feature.

The company intends to bring the experience of a natural conversation to their vehicles without the need for the rough voice commands. By Siri can send text messages, select music or knowing the weather.

Mercedes opens the way for next-generation virtual assistants, so we assume that this is not the last vehicle to incorporate such technology. The system will be launched in Europe for the company’s Class A, but is expected to arrive in autumn to classes B, C and E.


Posted by on February 27, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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