“Yandex” has Launched a Free Cloud Service

Yandex has Launched a Free Cloud Service

The Russian company “Yandex” has launched a new free service called “Drive.” Service is a service to store information from any device from laptops to smartphones. At the moment, “Drive” is not available to all, because it was launched a beta version.

As far as we know, “Yandeks.Disk” focused on keeping files of any format. Users are granted to 10 GB of memory that can be used at their discretion. Access to the “Disco” via the Internet. Thus, to obtain the necessary data can be at home, in cafes, in the office or at a party. Also available for the 10 gigabytes of files, “Yandex” has provided additional space for the attachment of the individual user’s mail.

Innovation has been commented head of personal servers Anton Zaban, “Disk – cloud. This is a virtual folder, where you can put anything you like without worrying about losing data.Even if your PC or laptop something happens, the files on the disk will be in order. The disc is now integrated into the “Yandex.Mail.” In the future, we will associate with other services “Yandex”.

Synchronize the data on the service “Drive” may be a different technique. For example, if the user started with the information at home on your computer, then continue it with the same data it can in the office on a laptop. The service is available through a client for Mac OS and Windows, as well as through the web interface. Owners of smart phones on the Android and iOS can use the “dial” a mobile app “Yandeks.Pochta.”

Analogues of the “disc” is available at Dropbox, Amazon and Microsoft, and soon expected to launch a similar cloud service at the main competitor of the company “Yandex” – “Google”. Estimated amount of free disk space on the “Google Drive” is 1 GB of disk space.Dropbox provides users with 2 gigabytes, and is at this time leader of the industry.


Posted by on April 5, 2012. Filed under IT, Networking, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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