To few is alien to its update to version 4.0, Twitter ruined quite official iPhone application, the old (and wonderful) Tweetie. Although many thought it was just what the company wanted to do with their application and had turned a deaf ear to complaints from users has heard some of them and tried the fix in the update that is available on the App Store and with changes aplicacan is only the iPhone that was the big hit, not the iPad.
The most important of them, and I personally was missing most is the famous ‘slide to reply’ that made so famous Tweetie for long and it almost became his trademark. Now he’s back, but the animation and appearance is not as colorful as before but including the same access and usability mostly the same , which is what was most needed. Also have improved some aspects of messages, such as a button to mark all as read and added to the inexplicably absent function to check if someone was following you or not. This is the complete list of changes:
Did you already tried? Now and after the carnage 4.0 Tweetbot I switched to, but I think I’ll give back to an opportunity, the latter interface take me off every time I open the app.
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