An Increase of 5.5 Million New Songs to Google Play European Shops

Google Play - Music, Books, Movies and Apps in the Cloud

According to foreign media reports, Google reached an agreement on November 1, an increase of 5.5 million songs to Google Play European shops. The agreement came into effect today.

Under the agreement, Google added 5.5 million songs will be open to 35 countries in Europe.

November 1 this year, Google Copyright Alliance organizations from France, Italy and Spain Armonia agreement, be allowed to the Google Play European stores increased by 5.5 million songs and 35 European countries to open. These songs including the Sony publishing in Latin America, as well as Universal Music copyright musical works published in the United Kingdom and the United States.

“We are very pleased with the Armonia Union reach agreement.” The Google copyright issues Sami (Sami Valkonen), Val Kernan said, “like this license is very important, which guarantees the author and copyright holder of the enjoyed his work interests and encourage digital service providers will continue to bring innovative services to bring more benefits to European consumers. “(Lu Xin)


Posted by on November 19, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.