Google will Guide us to the 100,000 Stars at Google Chrome

It seems that Google has set goal other than Earth to map space, even in a more artistic and less accurate performance. The laboratories of the company developed a new pilot project called “100,000 Star” which is dedicated to space Using images and data from NASA and the European Space Agency and other sources. With the support of Chrome for the latest web technologies such as The HTML 5, WebGL and CSS 3D, the Google team unveiled a web site where you can browse among the stars of our galaxy and read important information about each star from Wikipedia.

Google will Guide us to the 100,000 Stars at Google Chrome 1

Course The company decided to focus only on 100,000 stars and not the billions that exist in the galaxy, such a venture would be impossible in reality. 

While exploring this experiment we hope to share our admiration for how big the galaxy is actually our” wrote Aaron Koblin in Chrome Blog

 “It’s unbelievable to think that this “fog” of 100,000 stars is just one small part of the trillions of stars in the wider universe. “These pictures are really amazing, Google emphasizes that it should not be regarded as a scientific document, but as a mere artistic rendering 100,000 Stars. This is only available for users in the Google Chrome web / stars .

Google will Guide us to the 100,000 Stars at Google Chrome 2


Posted by on November 18, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.