Fake iPhone 4S, iPhone Interface on Android (Video)

Fake iPhone 4S, iPhone interface on Android

Fake iPhone 4s is an application for Android that replaces the user interface of the iPhone .

Clicking the icon of an application that provides the same function will run the Android application.Icons do not have an application that serves the same function in Android, show an advertisement.

Fake iPhone 4S, interfaz de iPhone en Android -Sample

It’s not something that I call me much attention, but to make a joke saying that they carried their terminal IOS Android is not bad.

Here is a video with a demonstration of the application:

Download Link: Fake iPhone 4S

Images Source: Via  


Posted by on February 13, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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