Eleven Milestones in IT History

Milestones in IT History

Eleven units, which changed the world towards the digital age, and have influenced modern life so sustainably.Here we will discuss the Milestones in IT History and the achievements.

It all started with the transistor. When in 1947 the first operational point-contact transistor (bipolar ) at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, the light of day, it should be the beginning of a new technology era that continues to this day. Thirty years later, found a way semiconductor monopolist Intel, 29,000 transistors in an 8088 processor installed. Again, three decades after ove a Core 2 Duo already made 291 million transistors – the 10,000-fold number. The development happens faster and faster.

No doubt about it: Without the Bell’s invention in 1947, would the world today, somewhere else. We look back at the ten most important technical devices based on the work of bipolar transistors and modern life have a lasting impact and influenced.

Personal computer

With the Apple II in the late 1970s and the Intel 286 processor was released in the early eighties, the personal computer in the corner of the technique useless toy. Former home computers like the Tandy TRS-80 and the Commodore PET 2001 saw while out of state, did so with its puny processors, tiny keyboards, miserable monochrome screens, bad software compatibility and completely missing pointing device, but hardly the stuff calculator. The PC then changed over 30 years of work and a multi-functional entertainment device. Today is not the question of whether you have a PC, but why has no one. They have become vital. Despite notebook and smartphone boom: The PC is the most important technical achievement of the past 70 years.


As of 1975 on this promotional poster for the first “Sony Betamax” seen, revolutionized the video cassette recorder (VCR), television in the same way as he introduced the first color screens. Almost 40 years ago was to record on tape, including the pre-and an absolute innovation, since it is the audience for the first time was independent of the program and time schedule of TV advertising. Since its emergence in the fifties (the first commercially successful VCR was the Ampex VRX-1000 in 1956), initiated the VCR, the debates over issues to the (sometimes in another form) argued today: purchase and rental prices for movies , copying, recording formats (then later it went between the victorious VHS from JVC and Sony’s Betamax). Initially, hardly affordable, only half the VCR and the VCR prices quickly became the compulsory equipment of every movie and TV enthusiasts budget. The DVD won the rental and purchase market for films later on, were important and the video cassette recorder together slowly pushed from the market. Yet there is still many living rooms in a video recorder – either as an integrated DVD-VCR or individually for the rapid uptake between.

Game console

In the console Nation U.S. has two-thirds of households have a game console. The best part: Almost 25 percent of these players are over 50 years old. And up until May this year, the video game industry was the most resistant to the downturn of the industry throughout high-tech market. Worldwide sales of computer and video games in 2008 reached a record 21.8 billion dollars. As Magnavox and Atari in 1975, “Urspiel” Pong (pictured) presented, this result could not have foreseen with certainty.Four years later, Mattel Intellivision, its on the market in 1982 followed by Coleco ColecoVision. The Eighties were then asked to be the decade of video games. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft also followed in the late 1980s and into the nineties and developed consoles, their performance can now even the rich loose from high-end PCs, the water. No wonder then that the games console is promised from many a glorious future.


The success story of the Internet is unprecedented: started in the sixties as a military communications network, finds the lives of many people today take place exclusively only nor there. What we would say without the technical devices that allow us to access the Internet in the first place?The smart modem 300 (Figure) developed by Hayes Communications in 1981 paved the way not only for the bulletin board system (BBS), with which people were able to globally exchange over the Internet with each other – long before the wide World Wide Web for public came up – but for all of the following hardware developments in the field of network access.

Computer mouse

The American journalist John C. Dvorak, IT had never left much for Apple in 1984 and made even more fun of the company. “The Macintosh may be on an experimental pointing device called ‘mouse’ use, I can hardly imagine that someone voluntarily takes in hand. ” So you can be wrong … the mouse was developed in the early sixties, but it was of no interest for 20 years in the trade. Only when the desktop computer to the flight of took off, jumped on the mouse on the successful run and keeps up there today.There is quite a lot of different models: mice with trackball, optical mouse, cordless radio mouse, mice players, designers, and left-handed mice, mice.Even if speech recognition and touch-screen technology could soon become a danger: the mouse will still survive for several years. For what would we be without them?


Were printers for home use it long before the first laser printers. First, the dot matrix printers, inkjet printer later. So just why is the laser printer one of the ten ground-breaking technical equipment of the past decades? First, because of his pioneering works: The laser toner particle exposure and procedures to ensure that an image is projected by a laser beam on the photosensitive coating of a photoconductive drum, and these charges electrostatically negative. During the exposure period following the charge by The guiding-making is first removed from all points, which is required at the later printing toner. Then the laser beam scans across a rotating mirror, the so-called laser scanner, the drum line by line and exposed by their own on and off all the places where static charge is still present. In contrast to needle and ink jet printers, a laser printer after the complete output page is printed in one pass. The second reason is that the laser printer appears in this list, is the insane size and price erosion, which ensures that highly productive laser printers are today to have cost-and space-saving (in the image of the older models). Finally, the laser printing technology revolutionized the fact that he can create in seconds and extremely low-maintenance high-resolution picture and text pages


Shortly after it was in the seventies, the first desktop, even the first portable computer was available (in a first image of IBM’s attempt).However, the laptops for a long time led a shadowy existence, because they naturally had to be space-efficient than their big brothers, but this could not keep pace with the technological developments. It was not until around the year 1990, size, shape, weight and performance of mobile computers fairly balanced. The only downside was the relatively high purchase price. And then it took another ten years until the laptop arrived in the mass market – and today the even smaller notebooks and netbooks sell almost better than stationary computers.

Digital camera

The early Kodak models (pictured) looked almost as experimental as the first cameras that were there at all. Digital photography has not least thanks to the ease of use of the cameras, wrote the increasingly sophisticated mobile phone cameras and the falling price of storage devices and media in recent years of success. Undoubtedly, the recent technical developments in this list, it makes the once popular movies Buy, Maximum-twice-snapping-in-correct exposure, develop-leave-and-hope-that-is-something-become-and gluing / . scanning superfluous.

Mobile phone

Mobile phones are just for show-off. But, from the monstrous obelisks of once a global mass market has been created so that the invention of the mobile phone is to be evaluated almost higher than that of PCs. This includes everything yet, thanks to wireless and satellite technology to even the remotest corners of the earth. To be always and everywhere, blessing and curse at the same time. Can we imagine a life without a cell phone (and PC) at all?


A smartphone can do everything: it’s camera, cell phone, GPS receiver, Internet browser, email client, console games, music and video player, e-book reader in one. This provides the user with numerous software applications that apply to every problem has a solution (for the Apple iPhone, there are already over 20,000 different programs). The smartphone combines mass technology in various fields and is perhaps the most widely used technical equipment of the future. The IBM 1993 could not yet know when it presented a still immature market the first smartphone with the beautiful name “Simon”, which of course unconditionally flopped …

Apple iPad

The iPad experienced on 3 April 2012, the class of tablet PCs, not their birth (for example, Microsoft had tried earlier in the tablet), but her final breakthrough as a new form factor.

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Posted by on June 21, 2012. Filed under Articles, Innovation, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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