Apple`s 2048×1536 HD Display Experimentation For iPad 3

Through The Korea Times   it is declared that Apple’s  resolution of 2048×1536 will be provided in iPad 3 future version that has more resolution than full HD i.e 1920×1080 pixel. Samsung and LG are considered the guru in LCD Technology. Apple contact these two companies regarding testing.

Apple`s 2048×1536 HD Display Experimentation For iPad 3

Apple’s upcoming iPad 3 will feature an improved display to support quad extended graphics (QXGA), a display resolution of 2048×1536 pixels with a 4:3 aspect ratio to provide full high definition (HD) viewing experience. The imminent deals would assure that Samsung and LG continue to be the biggest providers of flat screens to Apple for the foreseeable future. Samsung and LG are two of the few LCD makers that are at ease with highly-advanced LCD screens. 

It is believed that

Apple is making a bid to reduce its dependence on Samsung, which is a relationship of pictures to mention the smaller amount. Despite the reality that Samsung produces some of the key pieces iDevice Apple (memory chips, processors, LCD screens), this did not prevent the Cupertino-based company presenting a critique against the large Korean patent . Quality testing by Samsung and LG LCD is now down to a Chinese laboratory. Sources say that each company are informed supply screens with improved image density and quality, which made the test method at some time during the Q3 of this year.

“Apple iPad next three can be characterized by a sight better than the support of four of extended graphics array (QXGA), show a resolution of 2048 × 1536 pixels with a ratio of 4: 3 to supply-side full high definition (HD) viewing experience,”said a source close to the talks.

It is true that  for Samsung, but apparently Apple still has no interest in it is OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen technology. Despite the abundance of corporate money behind him shooting, several electronics manufacturers are reluctant to adopt OLED which has a shorter shelf life and could only become contaminated. although it is used in some devices, most of them have less than five inches screens attributable to technology is simply not advanced enough to meet the standards of the LCD. “Another disadvantage is that the current OLED technology is not the amount of understanding a complete HD viewing experience that is vital to the pills,”the source said.

Samsung and LG are well ahead when it comes to advanced LCD technology, each capable of manufacturing high screen resolution up to QXGA nine.7 inches, due to “advanced production technology mainly based on the use of polysilicon low temperature “in accordance with the report. The deal would strengthen the positions of each company like Apple leading provider of LCD technology.

It has been rumored that Apple will release a version of the iPhone later this year, which could be called by the 3/HD IPAD. It has been said that the new iPhone are aimed at professionals who are investigating the “extra” pixels on your screen to induce serious work done. We’re not sure what the diabolical plans of Apple, however, we are bound to seek out back in the day.

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Posted by on July 19, 2011. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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