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Apple is “Ten years Behind from Microsoft in Terms of Security”

These days it has been talking much about the reliability of the security of Mac after the Flashback and SabPub , two Trojans born under the shadow of two separate security flaws in Java and Microsoft Word, have made ??more noise than damage infecting 550,000 computers apple. The founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, one of the signatures that detect the threat, said […]

SabPub: A Mac Trojan Discovers by Karpersky After Flashback

If last week was the name of Flashblack which resonated strongly with Apple as the malware more dangerous than had been found to date in a few hours will have to add a new name, SabPub. A Trojan found by Karpersky with two possible variants and spreads (again) through Java . And is that the security firm have sounded the alarm with the malwareBackdoor.OSX.SabPub.a (abbreviated […]

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Antique Typewriters as Computer Keyboards

USB typewriter (Picture: Jack Zylkin) Old typewriters do not only as an exhibit idea, but can also keyboards for PCs, Macs and iPads be transformed. The inventor Jack Zylkin offers typewriters also rebuilt ready.

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Dual Boot with OS X Lion and Mountain Lion – Step by Step Guide

I recently came to light the new operating system for Mac, OS X Mountain Lion , which includes important new features as we have been talking over these days. Since the news became known there are many who want to enjoy and the same and to investigate and test all you have to offer. Today we will show how to test the […]

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Tim Cook Talks About OS X Mountain Lion and Future of Mac OS X

The Wall Street Journal has been able to interview Tim Cook after the announcement of Mountain Lion tearing some interesting statements about the future of Mac OS X and assimilating IOS features.As noted in the American newspaper, Mountain Lion is the clearest sign of Apple’s belief that the world of mobile devices, laptops and desktops are designed to converge , and […]

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Apple Will Introduce Facial Recognition in Mac and iOS Devices?

A recently discovered patent from Apple reveals that the company is likely to be planning to introduce facial recognition technology in Mac and iOS devices. The system will allow users to connect to multi-user machines, using only their face, something like that the system has been presented for the Android from Google. Just as the system […]

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Amazon`s HTML5 Based Kindle Cloud Reader Service Released

As reported by TechCrunch, Amazon has launched a HTML5 Based Kindle Cloud Reader Service. The service allows users to each of the Macs and PCs running Safari or Google Chrome to scan their Kindle books online. Better yet, the service works on iPhone Safari Mobile. A feature that attract iPads users.

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