Now Lose Your Weight with Chocolate and Sweets – Research

Now Lose Your Weight  with Chocolate and Sweets - Research And it’s not just another myth, but quite understandable pattern. The fact that in the morning and up to about 12-13 hours of the day the rate of metabolism in the body, the highest. Then, during the day, this process slows down and the lowest of his figures are closer to the evening. The body begins to burn fewer calories, and “surplus” are beginning to be deposited in the form of adipose tissue.

According to the publication of The Telegraph, Israeli scientists from Tel Aviv University have shown that if there is a chocolate as a supplement to breakfast, the body throughout the day will be less “demanding” sweet snacks.

As a confirmation of his theory of Israeli scientists have conducted studies on two groups of patients diagnosed with obesity. The first group of subjects received a breakfast only low-carb products, and the second of their own, but also for serving sweet dessert. In the end it turned out that the group “on chocolate,” threw the weight of slightly more than the one that ate only “useful” food. Moreover, they noted that they were losing weight much easier and more enjoyable, because they have not felt the painful craving for the forbidden sweets and had a desire to eat other foods are not included in their diet.

Scholars themselves explain this by the fact that the food was adopted in the early morning hours during the day in the body is able to suppress the hunger hormone .


Posted by on February 9, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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