Be Aware,Tablet PC Pose a Risk to Human Health

Tablet PC Pose a Risk to Human HealthScientists from the American Management of Environmental Medicine and several private companies, including Microsoft, said that the Tablet PC, which occupy the lion’s share of mobile devices pose a risk to human health. In particular, their owners faces “neck and shoulder discomfort,” and this effect was not seen at work on desktop machines.

This conclusion was made on the basis of the study, which was attended by fifteen “power users plates” which were given simple tasks such as surfing the web, mobile games, reading and sending e-mail, and view the movie. During the execution of tasks, scientists tracked the position of their bodies with the help of infrared sensors. The subjects were given Tablet PCs Apple iPad 2 and Motorola XOOM, so that the sample was representative, and attached to the tablet and the various cases stand one way or another to facilitate the work.

At the end of the experiment the head of the research team Dr. Jack Dennerleyn (Jack T Dennerlein) concluded that, in comparison with the work on desktop computers work on the tablets is associated with the unnatural position of the shoulders and neck, which can lead to a persistent feeling of discomfort in these body areas. This is because even with the use cases as users are forced to bend stands much stronger than with other types of computers, including laptops even. The only exception is the movies, when the tablet rests on a pedestal.

However, it is noted that the Tablet PC has now become a significant position in the market, with its relatively small size, they provide high performance and, therefore, a complete rejection of them can not be considered in principle. In this regard, scientists said that while working with the “pill” should have them as high as possible by placing, say, on the table, not on his knees. In general, it is recommended to avoid the direction of gaze downward.However, this may not be universal recipe, since typing on the touch screen tablet can be inconvenient if the tablet is quite high.


Posted by on January 26, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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