The first official trailer of the most anticipated movie Rowdy Rathore was released yesterday. At the event Akshay Kumar was present , in his rowdy avatar and entertaining his fans with his cheesy dialogues and tapori dance moves. The trailer was out as reported to you illegally, all over the internet and so, there was no surprise element left.
But , for those who are watching the promo for the first time , the films trailer is a feast to the eyes for the action lovers and fans of Akshy Kumar.
The film is directed by Prabhu Deva as you know he also directed Wanted.
There id full on action in the film. Akshay Kumar seems to be simply “unstoppable” and “unbeatable”. His punchy one-liners surely stole the show.
Apun Ka Fatka, Chaar Sou Chaalis Watt Ka Jhatka. He fears no one, Naam Rathore, Vikram Rathore, are a few of them.
The beautiful Sonakshi Sinha, dressed in her desi clothes, is looking very beautiful. She adds freshness to the trailer.The film will hit the theaters on June 1, this year.
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