Five Reasons why you Should Choose Mac over PC

Mac-vs-PCThe time to dig up old grudges, old arguments dust has come, you have to do with the choice of platform on Mac or Windows PC platform. We addressed this issue by the need that exists growing offer users the opportunity to approach the world of Apple to taste the full experience . That is, we have an iPod and it is a good product, we have an iPhone and are convinced of its quality, then why not consider the possibility of purchasing a Mac?

It is true that at first glance there are some things that can retraernos taking this wise decision. For example we have the problem of the price , and that is an indisputable case for a few hundred euros have a PC that can go to the passage of our daily needs while buying a Mac usually requires a greater outlay.

There is also the issue of market share . It is also undeniable that there are many more PCs than Macs and this may suggest to some that would step back if decantasen for Mac, as if something disassociate itself forever from your friends or family with computer speakers or the experiences and exchanging files. Well, all these wanted to mention to the benefits, the advantages of owning a Mac today, that can be summarized in 6 main aspects.

1:Speed ??: Purchased a Mac today, a new team, supposed to be riding the wave in terms of speed and power is concerned. Whether you acquire an iMac with the new Core i5, etc, ie us to conform to a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, we know that we have a processor architecture that will allow us to make the most of our team for many years. This has always been the philosophy of Apple, design teams with good retention time. That is why some of our readers have computers many years and continue to use as the first day. This motif debunks the thought that Macs are expensive equipment, are expensive for their quality and because we buy the last of the last to last us twice.

2:Compatibility : Many fear that by making the leap to the Mac world is going to find it very difficult to reconcile files with PC owners. On the contrary, in this case it could be said that Windows computers tend to have more problems than Mac For example, teams can never install (simply) an OS X on a PC while installing Windows on a partition with a Mac is easy. It will be difficult to convert format. Pages a text document on a PC while no problem to work with. Doc on a Mac So it is not true that we will have problems exchanging information or documents with friends.

3:Usability : Let’s face it, if we like an iPod or iPhone because after the first week and we handle it as if it had a lifetime with us, imagine what you can do with a Mac and no longer speak of the management system itself operational, but the wide range of applications that Apple offers that are a marvel, from iLife to iWork, ie iMovie to create movies, Keynote for creating presentations and many other products are designed to not take time to know them, within minutes we will know how to deal with each of them, because everything is at hand, precisely where it should be and what we do not see the view is simply because it is not.

4:Security : It has always been said that Macs have better security than the PCs and those remains so even though Macs have increased market share. The Unix base which possess makes them much more inaccessible to malicious files. To give you an idea of what this subject better than talking about my own experience after many years fighting the virus on my PC switched to Mac exactly 4 years ago and to this day I do not know what that means in maquero universe. Trojans can exist, ie some programs from sneaking into your computer for some of our habits, but until now have never met a virus that wants to attack the system itself.

5:Stability : Forget the constant formatting the hard to start again from scratch disk because the system has become so large and heavy that it is nearly impossible, this is not necessary on Mac When you delete an application really erase it without leaving residues slow down the system. Mac applications are installed separately, individually, while smaller plugins or programs stored or running elsewhere.And, of course, we can also forget about the system crashing obliging unwanted reboots.
Having seen, considering these five aspects, my question is: if you’re already familiar with the world of Apple, what are you waiting for moving to Mac?


Posted by on January 23, 2014. Filed under Apple. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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