SpareOne Cell Phone Uses only One AA Battery and Lasts Until 15 Years

SpareOne Cell Phone Uses only One AA Battery and Lasts Until 15 YearsWithout many resources, SpareOne can operate for 15 years on a single charge (Reuters)

The Xpal Power is a manufacturer of batteries with the Energizer brand, has created an ultra-cheap phone that promises to end the long sections of the recharging socket. Powered by just one standard AA battery, the device is able to remain in working condition, away from the charger for long period of 15 years. The SpareOne was presented this week at CES 2012  technology fair held in Las Vegas, United States. 

To stay away from shots or new batteries for so long, of course, the performance of the cell does not compete with the big releases. The SpareOne is a basic unit created only to be used for emergency calls. For this, the dual-band GSM avoids the use of touch screen and other refinements ubiquitous in today’s cell phones. And if the aspirations of the multimedia device are quite modest, so is the price. At a cost of $ 49, corresponding to R $ 90 at current exchange rates (9.1), you take home the phone and a battery enough for 15 years of use and a MicroSim.

It can be predicted that The SpareOne will hit the market later this semester.

Via Engadget


Posted by on January 10, 2012. Filed under Innovation, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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