“SAM” Method to Unlock iPhone from Cydia Regardless of the Baseband

SAM iphoneSAM is a method that allows us to release our iPhone for use with any carrier. Those who now wanted to use an iPhonewith any carrier had three options: buy it free, pay an unlock by IMEI or use UltraSn0w . How many users getting the grant terminal operator were forced to pay the release by IMEIor use UltraSn0w. The problem is that UltraSn0w not work according to the baseband version of the device and the release by IMEI can be costly.

To resolve this setback can use SAM . A more complex method that allows us to use the SIM from any operator . To do this we must have done the Jailbreak to our device . So that we can access the repositories Bingner and retrieve packages SAM and SAM prefs.

The method is not as easy as using UltraSn0w . But surely that users who currently do not have a compliant baseband appreciate this option. Anyway, seeing as they are the phone companies and mobile subsidies is clear that now more than ever more worthwhile to buy a free iPhone .

Things that you need to unlock your iPhone using SAM: You need a jailbroken iPhone. If you haven’t done it yet then check out our How to Jailbreak webpage for links to the latest tutorial to jailbreak your iPhone.Latest version of iTunes and (of course) an internet connection.

Important Points: 

  • Your phone will work normally with your SIM card and that SIM card ONLY since we have tricked iTunes to think that ICCID is one of the intended carrier’s. The phone can be rebooted and connected to iTunes freely without losing the “unlock”, at least for now. 
  • Due to the above limitation, if you have an off-contract AT&T iPhone then we would still recommend requesting AT&T to unlock your iPhone.
  • This method should work with iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.
  • This method has been tested on a jailbroken iPhone on iOS 5.0.1, but should work even on tethered iOS 5.1.
  • This method should work across all basebands.
  • You don’t need the original SIM, you just need to know what carrier it was for (to create an official looking IMSI).
  • If you’ve hactivated your iPhone, you must first unhactivate it (just use SAM’s “stockify” option when it notices you’re hacktivated).

Please find the step by step instructions to unlock your iPhone:

Step 1: Launch Cydia on your jailbroken iPhone.

Step 2: Sam Bingner’s SAM (Subscriber Artificial Module) package.

  • Tap on the Manage tab
  • Then tap on Sources
  • Then the Edit button
  • Enter repo.bingner.com as the Cydia/Apt URL
  • Tap on Add Source

Cydia will verify the URL of the repo and successfully install it.

Step 3: After the package is installed, you need to Install SAM and SAMPrefs.

  • Either tap on Changes tab or use the Search tab to search for SAM
    • Select SAM for the list of search results
    • Tap on the Install button
    • Then tap on the Confirm button.
    • Tap on the Reload Springboard button when prompted.
  • This will also install SAMPrefs

Once you have SAM installed, you need to follow the instructions mentioned below, which was published by Laforet based on instructions provided by Loktar_Sun over at weiphone.com:

Step 4: Enter SAM by either going through the settings menu or find the SAMPrefs icon on your springboard. You will need to have the SIM card you intend to use in your phone.

Step 5: Go to utilities and select “De-Activate iPhone”, your ActivationState under “More Information” should now be “Unactivated”

Step 6: With SAM enabled, choose “By Country and Carrier” in “Method”; find your carrier, for some carriers operating more than one Carrier ID you may need to select “SIM ID”; easy to tell since iTunes will not activate if the wrong IMSI is selected. Update: Some readers have managed to successfully unlock their iPhone using the Auto Detect method. Thanks everyone for your feedback.

Step 7: Go to More Information”, copy or write down the IMSI in “SAM Details”, then tap “Spoof Real SIM to SAM”.

Step 8: Go back to the main SAM screen and change your “Method” to manual. Paste or enter the IMSI string we saved in Step 7.

Step 9: Connect your iPhone to your computer and allow iTunes to do its job (namely re-activating your phone), double click “Phone Number” parameter at the main device screen and make sure that the ICCID matches that of your SIM card. If not you need to start over from Step 1.

Step 10: Unplug your phone, close iTunes.

Step 11: Disable SAM. The source article says to uninstall SAM and delete your lockdownd folders; it’s unnecessary.

Step 12: Connect your phone to iTunes again, you should get an error saying that your phone cannot be activated. This is normal. Just close iTunes and open it again.

Step 13: You should see signal bars in a short time, congratulations.

Step 14: Push notifications may stop working after this procedure but can be easily restored with “clear push” utility in SAM followed by connecting to iTunes.

 In the extended entry is a video showing how the release process using SAM .



Posted by on April 23, 2012. Filed under Jailbreak, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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