Rumors: Samsung is Planning to Buy Nokia

SamsungIn the background is not the best financial position of Nokia in the network from time to time there are rumors about its acquisition of other IT-giants.

This time the Finnish edition of Kauppalehti published information that Samsung is considering the acquisition of Nokia, and much higher than its market value.

The Korean manufacturer, according to Kauppalehti, willing to pay for each share of Nokia 4 euros (compared to their real value at the moment is only 2.34 euros). Thus, the company will spend on the purchase of 15 billion euros.

And despite the fact that Samsung did not comment on that information, and plans to Nokia, according to recent data, do not sell their assets to anyone, the market immediately reacted to rumors of a possible purchase – Nokia shares rose immediately to 11%.

If the deal does take place, it will become even bigger event in the hi-tech world than Google acquisition of Motorola Mobility


Posted by on June 11, 2012. Filed under Gadgets, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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