Best Places to Send Large Files for Free

Best-Places-Send-Large-Files-FreeAnyone who has worked online knows perfectly the vicissitudes of sending and receiving information.There are many simple remedies when working with smaller file (no more than 3 MB), thanks to improvements in email servers do not even need to compress data, but what happens when we work with heavy information?  we offer a guide from the best sites  free of charge to send files of much weight.

Upload large files to the cloud

The pages listed below can be very useful whether you work in the area of freelancer and you just want to share information (photos, videos) with your family or friends. All these sites require registration (totally free) and a single drive, so you will not find any difficulty to work with them.


GE.TT (“get”) is one of our favorites, simply because they do not invade the advertising interface, and its use is intuitive and lets you upload files up to 2GB in weight (depending on the browser you’re using). No need to install any plugin.

To upload files you must click to select files and then select the file you want to upload (you can not be greater than 2 GB). After a short wait, we will return a link that we can share via email, Twitter or Facebook. The link will remain active between 30 days and three months, the site announces the arrival of premium accounts which we have not had news.


The differential Fileserve regarding GE.TT lies in the wide range of tools you can use to upload files.The free version lets you upload files up to 1GB without even registering, although we recommend you do the registration as give you 500GB of storage free. The files remain up to 60 days after the last download. You can make multiple uploads at once.

 As noted above, the strength of fileserve are the tools to share the files: HTML code to imbue into your web page, buttons for Twitter, Facebook and email. Provides the ability to earn money sharing files via FTP.


Despite the turbulence occurred in recent times, Mega is an excellent site storage and sending of files as well as being a symbol of internet users.

The free option allows you to upload files no weight limit and offers 50 GB of storage. Like other sites we’ve seen, you can upload multiple files at once to a pretty good speed.

File Dropper

File Dropper is the best place if you’re worried about the size of the files, you can upload up to 5GB in a very fast and without registration.

On the other hand, the lack of appropriate tools page to share links plus you can only upload one file at a time.


DropSend is another good option for sending large files. The free version lets you upload up to 2GB of data at speeds as respectable but not offering File Dropper also can only upload files up to five times per month, both in its free version and in its paid version.

However, the great advantage of the service is free storage capacity that provides up to 250 GB, which does not have in File Dropper .

So here’s a brief guide to the best places to work with heavy data . Have you had any experience with these pages?, What is your opinion?


Posted by on May 17, 2013. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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