Google Tests of Integrated Research

Google Drive

Google would launch a new type of extensive research, capable of returning users not only responses from the Web, but also details of results found directly between the user’s documents. All this is possible as a result of the ‘ Google Drive integration into the category of documents indexed and made available.

The service is currently in experimental form and for this reason is not yet available to all users. The certification is so far been granted to users who use Google in English and with the type account, but the extent of the project is the prelude to a solemn international extension of this opportunity. The latest tests are likely to be aimed at the verification of full compliance with the privacy, so that only personal documents stored on Google Drive can be probed by the engine in Mountain View.

The moment you go to compose a query on the engine, automatically you will get on the right side of the page, some results concerning the ownership documents obtained from Google Drive (spreadsheets, spreadsheets, text, Appointment Calendar, filings, and more ). Philosophy to support this bid on the SERP is one for which the result could be much closer than it may seem and Google become so much a de facto search engine (for those who know they need to find items that already own their own documentation ) as a conventional engine (for those who do not know where to find information and relies so the traditional query).

In fact, you create a line of continuity between the Web and your private Web , where Google is at the service of both the traditional research as research within their own personal cloud. The effectiveness and usefulness of the service will be screened over time, but with this initiative, Google makes it even more personal search experience on the engine and is in fact also indirectly promote their services through once more to his point of main strength: the search, indexing and making available all possible information captured by their systems.

Source: The Verge
Via CNet
Picture: Google Drive


Posted by on October 16, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.