Flying Robots will Build 6 Meter Tower

A 6-meter tower will be constructed in a report in Orleans, France. The title of the exhibition is “Flight Assembled Architecture” (or fly-assembled architecture) and essentially the autonomous construction of the tower. This is because the tower will be built from … Flying Robot!

Flying Robots will Build 6 Meter Tower

The design of these flying machines made by Italian designer Raffaello D’Andrea and organization of ambitious project undertaken by the Swiss architect Gramazio & Kohler. The aim is to inspire new approaches to understanding on the architecture. The small robot will use 1,500 prefabricated Styrofoam pieces in order to carry out their mission.

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The robot is programmed to interact, to lift the pieces to transport and assemble the tower. Throughout the course of construction, will receive instructions wirelessly from a control room. The height of the tower, as already mentioned, it is up to 6 meters while the diameter is 3.5 meters. A total of up to 50 robots will cooperate at the same time to complete the project.

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Each of these robots are equipped with sensors that allow precise control and the ability to plan the routes to be followed. Moreover, such technologies have to not be able to collide with each other. If the path they were taught to follow the bear a short distance from “colleagues”, then it will automatically take control, to avoid potential conflict.

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In the video below shows the location of the robot-builders move:



Posted by on December 1, 2011. Filed under Innovation, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.