Facebook will also Verify Accounts of Celebrities and Public Figures

Facebook Will Verify CelebsFew weeks latter as does Twitter and Google +, Facebook will begin today to offer celebrities and public figures able to verify their accounts and confirm that indeed they who are behind them. Of course, these audited accounts will not be as visible as in other platforms, as the Palo Alto social network has confirmed that there will any distinctive.

So what is it really verify an account? 

Apparently, these users simply to appear more frequently among the suggestions subscription social network that offers its users and give them the opportunity to use an alias instead of your real name, something compelling platform standards .

Facebook- profiles and certificates nickname

So far, the verification program is not available for all known figures, but Facebook will contact those who, for them, give the required profile. It do any good this news? Honestly I have my doubts. With the implementation of identity verification could out of the way many imposters, but personally I do not understand the reasons for not warning publicly whether a profile is verified or not.

More Information:[ Mashable ]


Posted by on February 16, 2012. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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