Approaching “Jailbreak” the iPhone 5,Probably in December

Approaching "Jailbreak" the iPhone 5,Probably in December 1

When Apple released the iPhone 5 three months ago then hackers assume that the jailbreak of devices the company found themselves in a difficult position. As with every new version of iOS and new hardware from Apple, the old methods are not sufficient and should find a new way to implement the jailbreak. 

Several weeks before it was released on the internet a photo of a Jailbroken iPhone 5 which caused excitement in consumers but beyond that there is no evolution, so far at least, as seems likely, but the release date nears.

Currently a team of elite hackers are already working on the “breaking” of the iPhone 5, showing very good progress. The new device from Apple is already the biggest challenge to hackers veterans like pod2g and p0sixninja, since the company has already corrected many of the exploits that were used before.

One of them, planetbeing, has recently published a photo on his personal Tweeter account showing an iPhone 5 to “run” some tweaks that are possible only with Jailbreak.

“Can not say much,” said planetbeing, “but still missing critical pieces so it is ready to be released. Believe me, we would love to release it as quickly as possible. “

In fact the ‘foundation’ of the jailbreak have already entered, but the team must first establish the Deterministic Approach before the release. The David did not confirm exactly when it will become the jailbreak, if all goes well known and respected the informal release schedule will see probably in December.


Posted by on November 19, 2012. Filed under Jailbreak, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.