Tips to Extend The Youth

tips to extend the youthEvery woman wants to feel young at any age.There are those to whom it is easily possible, but there are those who, in her twenty looks tired and gray why? The answer is very simple. Aspiration and the use of natural resources, and self development of mind and body. There are some simple tips to help you succeed.

1) The daily sports activitiesYou do not need to disappear for days in gyms, exhausting yourself exercises. To maintain your body in good shape enough to do every morning and charging the exercise one hour a day and you will feel fresh ,active and young seven days a week.How to deal with  this is solely your choice.

It can be dance, gymnastics, or exercise routine. Recently, for example, has become a very popular yoga.Hollywood stars leave positive comments in the media about their activities in this sport.

But I strongly advise to take courses and massage. First of all, it’s very relaxing, which is necessary in our time of constant haste. Second, it helps you get rid of some diseases. Sports  a direct way to slim figure and healthy body.

2) Proper nutrition  essential component of beauty. To make a proper diet, you can contact a dietitian. It will help you make daily food and incorporate healthy foods into your diet. This will help you not gain weight, but also prevent many diseases. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, it is an indispensable source of energy for the skin. It is advisable to purchase a water filter and try not to drink tap water.

3) Of course your genes play an important role. If your mom at age 50 remains thin, and the men turn around at the sight of her, it means that you’re lucky and you have a good chance to look like that at her age. The main thing is not to spoil all their bad habits and lifestyle. Watch for yourself!

4) Stable balance of your inner world There is nothing you will not get without a stable balance of your inner world. If you are constantly irritated by little things, always sullen and tired, so you do not have enough sleep and your nervous system needs a rest.Take a ticket to the spa or in warmer climes. Notice how much you go to bed. Do not sit up at night on the computer or reading a book. It only spoils your vision. You can also refer to a neurologist, so he wrote you a soothing herbal pills. Smile! There is nothing better than to give others a smile.

5) Makeup is an important component of preserving youthWith the right makeup you will emphasize your facial features. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will look silly and feel uncomfortable.

Do not forget that a lot of cosmetics chemicals that are not too good for the skin. This applies particularly to the carcass. If you use it often, you lose eyelashes. So let us rest on his face makeup. In addition, the natural beauty of today is valued much more.

6) The fresh air  it is an excellent natural remedy that can be used as a way to hydrate and refresh skin. In the summer of sleeping with an open window, it is very useful for you. Walk more often. Leaving the house leave the vents open so that the apartment was filled with air.

7) Of course, the presence of a permanent partner It is also very important fact. Scientists have shown that  presence of a permanent partner improves the health and mood of women. Your health improves, you feel loved and happy. What else can make you more beautiful?

In fact, to stay young is very simple. All you need to do is to regularly monitor yourself and way of life.Do not forget that only someone who goes to the end, achieves its goal  because the easiest way to surrender.These simple steps can help slow down seven action of the biological clock and keep the year as long as possible.


Posted by on October 13, 2011. Filed under Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.