Nutritionists have Defined “Bad” Foods for Breakfast

bad-food-for-breakfastNutritionists tell what foods to eat on an empty stomach are bad, because they can cause a variety of diseases. The list of banned products include some of the vegetables and fruits that are traditionally the morning diet of the majority.

  • Bananas – are high in magnesium. It can disrupt the balance of calcium and magnesium in the body that leads to cardiovascular disease.
  • Oranges – on an empty stomach can cause gastritis and allergies.
  • Persimmons and tomatoes – a large amount of pectin and tannic acid in them can cause the formation of gastric stones.
  • Cucumbers, peppers, cabbage – can irritate the stomach lining, people with problematic digestion recommend withdrawal.
  • Yogurt – recommend eating two hours after a meal or at bedtime. Only in these cases, it helps the process of digestion.
  • Sweet potatoes – causes heaviness in the stomach.
  • Sugar – in an empty stomach it blocks the production of insulin in order to maintain its normal level in the blood. Contributes to eye disease and can disrupt the acid-alkaline balance.
  • Garlic – can cause stomach cramps.

The researchers found that the first meal is extremely important for a person, as it prevents the emergence of chronic diseases, normalize body weight and improves mental performance.

Recommended products for breakfast

  • Oatmeal whole grain
  • Low-fat milk
  • Cheese


Posted by on January 15, 2013. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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