Lose Weight With the Help of a Microchip

Lose Your Weight With the Help of a MicrochipWhat did people do to get rid of excess weight.Recently, scientists have invented and developed a Microchip that can help you fight for a slim figure. This apparatus is tested.

The surgeons from the hospital of St. Anthony, in the British county of Surrey, invented a Microchip that speeds up your metabolism and suppresses the feeling of of hunger and tested by 356 people . The study included both men and women whose body mass above the rate of 15-30%. This Microchip is a small plastic sleeve, which is sewn under the skin of people around the abdomen. Emitted by the device pulses stimulate the production of the hormone PYY, which is responsible for hunger. In particular, the body begins to quickly digest and absorb food. This significantly reduces the appetite. Thus, to normalize the metabolism allows people to just over a month to get rid of the five extra pounds.

This eliminates the need to resort to liposuction or gastric bypass surgery. Many will appreciate the fact that the chip is available even to people with diabetes who do not have to chop daily insulin. As stated by Professor Alberic Fiens, this device is able to activate cells of the pancreas.


Posted by on January 4, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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