Lose your Weight Without Dieting:Simple Tricks of Stars

How to quickly lose your weight without dieting ? There are some simple tricks of  the celebrities, stylists, fitness instructors and nutritionists to lose your weight without dieting.Lose your Weight Without Dieting:Simple Tricks of the Stars

Trick number 1: Soak

Soak in a bath of salt – the main thing that was part of the magnesium sulfate, which displays the fluid from the body and reduces swelling. 15-minute procedure is enough to keep your feet and waist suddenly “postroyneli.”Incidentally, this trick uses Heidi Klum bikini in front of their photo sessions. Seems to work!

Trick number 2forbid

Forbid themselves the “slow” carbohydrates (ie, at a minimum, flour and sweet) and “solenenkoe” and dairy products at least one day prior to the responsible actions.

What about sugar and salt is clear – they retain fluid in the tissues and are responsible for the unexpectedly curvy shape, and milk and butter slowly digested adults  by the body. This “exclusive” Council regularly uses Jennifer Aniston. 

Trick number 3:Choose

 Select strategically correct food: on the advice of Elizabeth Hurley in “Day X” breakfast juicy fruit (melon is perfect or watermelon), lunch and dinner, leaving a modest portion of the chicken salad and vegetables (not root vegetables). As a snack you can “adopt” a spoonful of honey or peanut butter. A wash down a meal entirely of still water and teas without sugar. One day something can be patient, to look like Liz!

Trick number 4: exclude

Exclude before an important “output” of the use of chewing gum and cigarettes. These habits make us unwittingly swallow excess air – and turn into a “ball”. A long-chewing “gum”, moreover, developed jaw muscles and therefore visually “expand” the person. 

Trick number 5: walk

 We walk at every opportunity, but the main thing – to make a small promenade after each meal. This will help to “start” the process of digestion (and just run it on a “third rate”) and totally inappropriate to preclude an important night of the fermentation process in our digestive system.

 Trick number 6: pay 

We pay just a couple of minutes of the slopes, squatting, twisting: a full workout of course, does not work, but the available muscle tone and come to the body “remembers” its best form. 

Catch number 7: mask

 According to J. Lo, light tan is able to “remove” you from a couple of extra inches, but true distributed bronzer will help “sculpt “desired shape. Just apply a little darker tone to the inner and outer thighs, leaving a “mean” intact – and boldly expose your feet on the “mini” show! 

Well, as usual, shoulders back, crown up, heel taller and smile a little wider – if at any holiday you will be out of competition! The main thing is to take place away from the cake …


Posted by on December 27, 2011. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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