Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, has presented his plan to colonize Mars. His project to reach the Red Planet is just a good advertising campaign and it is not practical.
Elon Musk has participated today in the International Aeronautical Congress (IAC), which is held these days in Guadalajara (Mexico), to publicize its plans for the colonization of the red planet. A few months ago, the driver of SpaceX announced his desire to send humans to Mars in 2024 . However, the details offered today are absolutely disappointing.
An expert from the European Space Agency has described it as “unicorn” Musk plan
Mark McCaughrean, scientific advisor to the European Space Agency, has come to describe as “Space Unicorn Nonsense”plan Elon Musk to reach the red planet.Not without reason. The entrepreneur wants the human being to become a “interplanetary species”. However, it has not explained how to overcome the biggest challenge in the colonization of Mars: radiation.
On Earth, the atmosphere and magnetic field serve as “shields” against solar radiation and cosmic rays. When an astronaut goes into space, it is subjected to a large amount of radiation . In the case of reaching Mars, NASA estimates that the crew of the ship would be subject during the trip back and forth to two – thirds of the maximum radiation that can withstand during his career.All this without ever setting foot on the red planet.
Space X founder fails to convince about the solution to protect us from radiation and low gravity on Mars.
Musk aims to be a city in the coming decades on Mars, but has not revealed how convincingly protect travelers , considering that this planet’s atmosphere is very thin and does not protect against harmful radiation.
In addition, the gravity on Mars is much smaller, a problem with unforeseeable consequences for humans arrived there.During his presentation, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla has obviated these two challenges, probably the most complex when it comes to colonize the red planet.
Before beginning his talk, the aerospace company was released a video showing how it intended to reach Mars. A good short science fiction where a ship taking off from a base such as Cape Canaveral to begin a two – year journey to the red planet. What at first it seemed like a good marketing campaign has been greeted by applause and shouts Congress attendees.Musk has then started to give technical details on the ships or reuse of launch rockets. In recent days, SpaceX had already released the first test firings of Raptor , with 42 rocket engines running to launch into space this hypothetical probe.
The entrepreneur said he would try to reduce the costs of travel to Mars to be around $ 200,000 per person. Musk The idea is that within a century been a colony of a million people on the red planet. In his view, the problem of establishing a colony on Mars would not be water but energy. And to avoid radiation, your goal is to build a kind of “artificial magnetic field.” A ridiculous and simplistic idea surrounded by a large advertising campaign: it is impossible. Or Musk try to avoid all radiation in space? Will Build perhaps a protective bubble on the red planet? But how? Musk is hiding behind beautiful and pretentious ideas without offering real solutions. Absolute advertising.
Nor accounts submitted are realistic: their plan seems more a mere advertising campaign.
To show another of his crazy proposals, simply numbers. If you want to create a colony on Mars in which one million people live – and each would have paid 200,000 dollars, the total cost of this “Martian city” amount to 200,000 million dollars. However, the total budget of the International Space Station during his fifteen years of life has been of 150,000 million dollars . Not to mention the costs associated with travel, since Musk has presented unreal does not include accounts where the transport of persons or food inside the ships, which logically would increase the budget.
Musk’s goal is to turn Mars into “the new frontier”, an interesting destination with which society can dream. But your goal is unrealistic and dangerous. The plans of the founder of Space X are simplistic and are more like a science fiction film than a true space exploration project . Ideas also generate many doubts after the recent problems of your company, with the explosion of a rocket or difficulties in landing the Dragon . In recent decades, humans have managed to reach beyond the confines of the solar system, something only possible through research, work, time and funding. So far, despite bad we is not feasible to colonize Mars and much less in the terms set by Musk during the conference.
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