Microsoft Releases the First Images of Office 15

Microsoft Releases the First Images of Office 15

First you said yes , then appeared the closed beta and some rumors that said no … now Microsoft Releases the First Images of Office 15 has shown the world some images of the interface of Office 15 confirming a radical change of the interface and performance to suit the tablets ARM with multi-touch screens.

In the video you can see how the appearance Metro got rid of all toolbars (no sign of that ribbon they planned to file browser), leaving only the menus and a much more simple and minimal. Now the document you’re working takes center stage with a white background brings something more than comfort. It is the first major change in the interface of Microsoft Office for many years.

In addition, Office 15 is optimized for all options are usable with both a mouse and with our fingers, and their performance is optimized to conserve battery power (when the application is suspended in the background … etc). Probably we can see more details about this at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona later this month, where Microsoft has already confirmed an event that will give more details of Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Thanks to all who have sent us the news!

Source : [ The Verge ]


Posted by on February 10, 2012. Filed under IT, News, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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