Microsoft Founder Wants to Know how the Brain Works

How Social Network of the Neurons in Brain FormedPaul Allen,  founder of the project of Microsoft, has made a  Institute called “Allen Institute for Brain Science” with a further 300 million U.S. dollars. The research institute has the mission to find out how the human brain works.

The Allen Institute for Brain Science will answer in the next ten years some of the most difficult questions about how the human brain, and disclose the data obtained. To receive the Research Institute 300 million U.S. dollars from Microsoft founder Paul Allen, who represents the institution for a total of 500 million U.S. dollars.

Allen wants to know how the brain works, and the Institute is funded by him to examine some key issues. It comes to a complete understanding of the workings of the human brain and the question of what goes wrong when it comes to brain disorders or diseases, is associated with it.

Allen praises the past research findings as “truly exceptional” , which is why he makes more money available. The 300 million U.S. dollars will fund the first four years of the ten-year plan submitted. This is the number of employees of the Institute to be doubled to about 350, with three new, complementary research initiatives to start: How to save, the brain encodes and processes information? What are the cellular links, which are all based on brain function and are targets for diseases often? How are these cells and eventually produce the circuits that are responsible for behavior, thinking and brain disorders?

Since its founding in 2003, the Allen Institute has generated some 1.3 petabytes of data processed and gradually in be made available online for free so that other researchers can use the data for their work.


Posted by on March 23, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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