BitTorrent: Soon Televisions with Peer-to-Peer Video

BitTorrent: Soon Televisions with Peer-to-Peer Video 1

In accordance with 20 electronics manufacturers proceeded BitTorrent , CEO Eric Kinkler reveals’s that the new TV models that will be released will include peer-to-peer service for streaming video.

The Kinkler declined to name the companies but said that TVs will become available over the festive Christmas season mainly in Europe and Asia since the U.S. most companies have already entered into agreements with providers of streaming video such as Netflix and Hulu.

As for the issue of piracy and the fact that many tend to associate it with BitTorrent, Klinker said that this time through shared service MORE than 2 million titles lawful content, including movies, music and books.

Via: Engadget 


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