“BitTorrent Live” Enables Live P2P Video Streaming

BitTorrent Live Enables Live P2P Video Streaming

The technology has revolutionized P2P file sharing in a few years ago. So why not do the same for streaming; That was the thought of creator Bram Cohen’s BitTorrent.

So he designed a new protocol that bypasses the conventional way of sending files from a central server. On the contrary, just as with the other protocols P2P, the user sees / download a file simultaneously distributes them as well. In this way the burden on the primary server is reduced to a minimum. 

At the same time ensures the user in this way that the video is sent to see not one but multiple computers and very near the geographical point that is.

This is not something trivial. The new protocol ensures that anyone can broadcast live program at no cost to an unlimited number of people. Option until now had only great radio stations. So soon we will see many things changing in the field of live broadcasts and programs.

Forward Reference: BitTorrent Live Will “Kill Your Television” in this August ?


Posted by on February 14, 2012. Filed under IT, Networking, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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