Journalists from the United States Garth Sunday and John Tierney had a formula to calculate the strength of a stellar marriage. They believe that if you divide the number of mentions in The New York Times in reference to the yellow edition of The National Enquirer, it becomes clear what relationship have the couple. No magic was not there – pure math: if one of the spouses often appears in the pages of tabloids than in a serious publication, happiness, such a pair to be seen.
“Forecasters’ claim that this formula – the most accurate possible and never wrong. Thus, journalists predicted a collapse of relations between Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. But Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, on the contrary, the “magic” formula promised a bright future – and they are still together.
This year, reporters authoritatively stated that more than 15 years, will live with Prince William and Kate Middleton, Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z. But Tom Cruise and his wife to part – say, too much written about Katie Holmes tabloid publications.
But it is unlikely Tom and Katie will give the value of this information, if any, will hear about it.
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