“The Woman in Black” is an upcoming horror movie in which The young lawyer Arthur Kips (Daniel Radcliffe) is forced to leave his three year old son to London to travel to remote village Kraithin Gkifornt and arrange the inheritance left over Ile Marsh House.But when it comes to creepy old mansion gradually discovers a series of dark secrets that haunt the region’s past. And the concern grows Arthur when a mysterious female figure dressed in black begins to appear before him, confirming the fears and superstitions of the villagers.
The film – a demanding cinematic When released book “The Woman in Black” in 1982, author Susan Hill imagined that the year will be watched TV film, radio series, drama and eventually film.
Says Hill,
The important thing is that the book is always present, regardless of the medium, thanks to the art of performance – something I could never do myself
This is the first time in thirty years, the novel’s Hill finds his way to the big screen.
Says the producer,
Over the years we have made several attempts with different writers, but I was not ever satisfied with their scripts
The film will release on 9/2/2012. Genre: psychological thrillerDirector: JAMES GOUOTKINS Writer : Jane Goldman, based on novels Susan MM Production: Richard Jackson, Simon OOUKS, Brian Oliver Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Kieran CHINTS, JANET MAC TIP.
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