Who Becomes the World’s Most Famous Hacker ?

Who Becomes the World's Most Famous Hacker

George Hotz, 22, became the most prominent hacker in the world . Not only was responsible for publishing the code to unlock the iPhone , but also completely mocked up Sony . 

The company launched a battle against him, he could get rid of the condition never disclose confidential information about the company or about their products.

Become a young-and criminal-talented and adored as a hero by hundreds of people ,including hackeractivistas of Anonymous , GeoHot received a job offer from Facebook last June.

Mark Zuckerberg wanted to incorporate his team a brilliant mind, with deep knowledge in development and security, to improve privacy and reduce the vulnerability of the social network.

But the law did not last long at GeoHot, who left the office to devote pages to hack again . It is unknown if you intend to join the attacks launched by hackers against sites that support Internet regulation.

As reported by Business Insider , Hotz would have left the social network to participate in the organization of the Backplane Hackathon 2012 , the annual competition that seeks hackers to acknowledge the participant to create the best website or the best mobile application for the duration of the competition .


Posted by on January 29, 2012. Filed under Articles, Jailbreak, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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