Three Tricks to Save Time While Using iTunes 11

iTunes-11-5The most fun begin with testing of a new program or operating system and discover all the little tricks and shortcuts that make your life much easier. iTunes 11 is a radical program and as such there are a lot of new keyboard shortcut and interesting tricks that we can use every day to save time. Here are three very interesting.

 1:Switches between the different sections of the program . As you will have seen, Apple has hidden the selection bar sections of the program, which is now summarized in a simple menu on top. If you want to quickly change between the sections may not need to access the menu, simply use the keyboard combination for the first cmd +1, +2 for the second cmd, cmd +3 for the third … and so on .

2:Use the new minireproductor while iTunes full screen . Open iTunes and select options in the Dock to display on all desktops. Later opened from the Window option minireproductor / Minireproductor and finally use the command cmd + alt + f to show full screen iTunes.

3:Add songs to playlist “then” quickly. This function is for me one of the best of those included with iTunes 11, but can be a bit confusing to use. Nothing is further from reality, to add a song to this playlist you should only select it and drag it to the “screen” display of program actions.


Posted by on December 4, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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