The Google raised today in the “air” of a new Internet website, the imaginative title, which will provide a global forum for presenting new ideas and the promotion / implementation, but also for the collective effort to solve large and serious problems of humanity by means of appropriate technology .
At least, that we understand the following message, as the website is in beta stage and we have not yet accessed:
Solve for X is a place where the curious can go to hear and discuss radical technology ideas for solving global problems. Radical in the sense that the solutions could help billions of people. Radical in the sense that the audaciousness of the proposals makes them sound like science fiction. And radical in the sense that there is some real technology breakthrough on the horizon to give us all hope that these ideas could really be brought to life.
This combination of things – a huge problem to solve, a radical solution for solving it, and the breakthrough technology to make it happen – is the essence of a moonshot.
Solve for X is intended to be a forum to encourage and amplify technology-based moonshot thinking and teamwork.
We can’t wait to share what we discover.
[Source TheVerge ]
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