Seven Secrets of Innovative Steve Jobs


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In American stores received a new book from the author of the bestseller “iPrezentatsiya. Lessons from the leader of persuasion Apple’s Steve Jobs, “Carmine Gallo (Carmine Gallo). This book chapter is also devoted to Apple and is called “Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs.” In this article we will briefly explain what the issues it addresses, as well as priotkroem veil of secrecy over family secrets of success from the legendary Steve Jobs.

In 1972, Steve Jobs left his home in Silicon Valley and headed north to a small art school, called Reed College and is located in Portland (Oregon).However, after one semester he got bored, and he dropped out. Like any other teenager, 17-year-old Jobs was suffering from what he did not know what to devote his life. So begins the book Carmine Gallo – another attempt to understand the phenomenon of genius leader Apple.

“I had no idea what to do with my life and no idea how college can I tell you something about this – say the late Jobs. – I just spent all the money out there that my parents had accumulated over a lifetime. So I decided to leave school and hope that everything will be. “

Jobs left high school to “do what you love” – and this is the first of the seven principles that Gallo committed in his book. However, unlike his previous work, which focused on the ability to Jobs’ presentations of their products and create a so-called “field of a distorted reality,” a new book examines the phenomenon of Steve Jobs as the propensity to innovate. And there is no doubt that after reading the first of these principles, parents who unfasten thousands of dollars to train their children in universities, just shrug their shoulders in bewilderment.

As in the previous bestseller, Gallo sees Jobs as a superhero, that is some irony in the distant from the worship of Apple people and calls into question the seriousness of the personality of this analysis, no doubt, an outstanding person. The most unique quality of Jobs as a specialist in marketing, in my opinion, is its ability to sell to people not what they want and what they want in the future. And here is appropriate to quote from Henry Ford’s statement: “If I asked people what they want, I would not sell cars, and faster horses.”The remaining six principles that distinguishes Gallo, look very abstract, for example, the second and fifth: “Try to make his mark in the universe” and “Learn to give up things in 1000.”

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However, the closest to fulfilling its mission Gallo fits in the third principle, which can be translated as: “Plain your brain with a kick.” The chapter devoted to this principle, just replete with interesting remarks Jobs, for example: «Macintosh has become such a wonderful product is largely due to the fact that his creation had a hand in people who were musicians, poets, artists and zoologists and historians who, at the same time were the best computer scientists in the world. “

One of the key themes that runs through the book “Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs” Jobs is the ability to think differently and constantly challenge the principles of universal equilibrium. To develop this type of thinking, we, according to Gallo, must pass through different life experiences – good and bad – through which at one time was head of Apple.

In the chapter on the issue of “quick start” your brain, Gallo refers to the results of a study of Harvard experts who concluded that in order to work out in his creative thinking, one must combine the experience of the radically different experiences, which in its creation should form something completely new. For example, some time after learning calligraphy at Reed College, Steve Jobs immediately switched to technological design.

Of course, considering the various modifications of the “starters” to our brains, the author could not but touch upon one aspect of the life of Steve Jobs, who, upon his own admission, greatly influenced his life. This, of course, talking about drug use. In his book, “What did the Dormouse» (What the Dormouse Said) by John Markoff (John Markoff) interviewed Steve Jobs, in which is stated that “taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things I did in my of life. ” What’s more, Jobs has allowed himself some pretty explicit parallels, for example, visualization of the first versions of the iTunes player reminded him of his psychedelic trip. As noted by Markoff, almost all the visionaries of the field of high technologies have a long history of use of LSD. According to Gallo, as one of the tools “quick start” their brains Jobs has used meditation with the use of certain kinds of “plants”. However, this study is to leave the plane of the assumptions and guesses the author’s personal.

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It is noteworthy that in his book, Gallo prefers to ignore the spirit of paranoia, which, as you know, reigns in the offices of Apple. He evades the attention and the eccentric and ferocious temper Jobs, which become legend. Probably, these details are too small to include them in a number of innovative secrets.

To confirm his principles Gallo cites many examples from the history of technological innovation, related not only to Apple, and when reading the relevant chapters felt as a serious and painstaking work has been done by the author. In the examples, ranging from the march to the moon John F. Kennedy to the period of revival of Cold Stone Creamery, Gallo again and again shows how important innovation for the simple but very creative idea.

However, as the author is sure, such an idea that can lead to “breakthrough success”, literally anyone can come from a college graduate to industry veteran with 20 years of experience. The author refuses to open the mystery of what to do to become such a “minion of fortune.”

In the last chapter, entitled “Something else (« One More Thing »- is the phrase often heard visitors to conferences in the end of Apple events), Gallo says that most people have not the courage inherent Jobs.

“Innovation is so rare because few people have the necessary courage and confidence to push a radical new ideas, and anyone with no fear – Gallo writes and adds. – That’s why so few people are capable of such a large number of innovations, which gave the world Steve Jobs. “

Summarizing all the above, we distinguish seven key principles, which, according to Carmine Gallo, Steve Jobs helped to become what he became:

  • Do what you love – Think differently about your career
  • Try to make his mark in the universe – Think differently about your vision
  • Plain to kick your brain – Think differently about your type of thinking
  • Sell the dream, not products – Think differently about your customers
  • Learn how to give up things from 1000 – Think differently about design
  • Generate incredibly strong impressions – Think differently about the perception of your brand
  • Manage the message – Think differently about your story

In conclusion of our article, we wish to demonstrate a very nice mosaic of the Greek artist Charis Tsevisa (Charis Tsevis), published this week in the Brazilian Journal of ALFA. Tsevis admitted that the job he was inspired by the personality of Steve Jobs, in which innovation combined with visionary mystic. According to the artist, it was the sixties and seventies Jobs obliged freedom of thought and unlimited contact with the universe. And so the painting has turned out so colorful, collage and “psychedelic.”

“I wanted to portray a young, hippy, psychedelic Steve – said Tsevis. – I know that the early years of Apple were associated with his visits to India and trip on LSD. So for me it was obvious that you need to take advertising from Apple late ’70s and early ’80s, and paint it in the most vivid and vibrant colors. “

Innovative Steve Jobs



Posted by on April 19, 2012. Filed under Apple, Articles, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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