Google AdWords Implements New Reports

Google AdWords implements new reports

Google AdWords has announced the imminent changes in the accounts of advertisers around the world: a couple of weeks they will be available data on the percentage of hits received in your ad groups for search and contextual media networks.

In the tab “Ad Group” will be three new columns:

  1. The percentage of hits. The number of auctions you won the ad divided by the approximate number of potentially available impressions.
  2. Percentage of lost impressions (rating). Impression share is not obtained due to low Ad Rank.
  3. Exact Match (RFP). The number of ad impressions on queries that exactly match your keywords, divided by the total number of such requests (only the search network.)

These data can be used to determine the effective ad groups, which overlooked a lot of available shows.

In addition, to improve the accuracy of the data on the percentage of impressions received in the campaign will be updated algorithms:

  1. The updated statistics on the campaign level. In connection with the improvement of algorithms, all data on the percentage of hits received on the campaign, starting in May 2011, will be updated.
  2. Daily updates. To provide a more accurate estimation of data on the percentage of hits received, the statistics will be updated once a day, about noon Pacific Time (GMT-8). Thus, it will not include data for the current, and possibly also for the previous day (depending on the time of the creation of the report).

These updates will take effect from 30 January 2012.


Posted by on January 23, 2012. Filed under Google, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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