Facebook Will launch an App Style Snapchat Next Week ?


According to reliable sources, Facebook would have a new App in the testing phase which will allow users to send messages to temporary and which will delete automatically after a few seconds in style Snapchat.

Reason Behind Style Snapchat

Facebook seems to want to move their know-how to all the services of social “alternative” are literally going out of fashion in recent years. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg has shown a lot of interest in WhatsApp and with the purchase of Instagram (beyond the range of direct rival Twitter, bringing it to $ 735 million) has explicitly stated what will be your strategy for the near future.

Moreover, in an era that seems to be dictated by the exasperated sharing of multimedia material, even and especially in mobility, it seems that Facebook does not want to sit back and wants to participate actively and massively. In this context should also saw the latest update to Facebook Messenger for Android, which allows you to exchange messages to users who are not enrolled in the social network created by Mark Zuckerberg.

The next Facebook App, which will join the ranks of others present on the AppStore is a kind of clone of Snapchat. The latter is a client IM (instant messaging) that allows to store the messages sent for a period of time set by the user himself. The message, once past the second set will be deleted from the device of the recipient’s servers Snapchat themselves. These messages, which can be defined “self-destructive“, can also contain pictures, or even short video, thanks to a recent update.

Facebook Will launch an App Style Snapchat Next Week ? 1

The new Facebook app will do exactly the same thing. The initial screen will show a series of discussions with our friends. Pressing one of these threads will come out with a timer in which we set the length of the message we want to send. Soon after we write our own message which will be displayed for a period of time we have chosen. Just like in Snapchat!

Expert Views on Style Snapchat Release

Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Style Snapchat interviewed on the subject denies everything.

Mark [Zuckerberg] is not informed us concerning his possible intention to create a clone of Snapchat. We appreciate that Facebook is Instagram, and we look forward to Mark continues to innovate and grow its business.

For all small businesses, is certainly worrying to see their pitch occupied by a giant like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg but not always managed to “kill people” in this sense.

The new app will probably be released in the coming weeks and will be “stand-alone”, that is, an App to himself as Facebook Messenger, Facebook, Camera, and should form the fourth App on the AppStore Facebook, the fifth if we include Instagram.

However,Facebook has not released anything official about Style Snapchat.

Via : AllThingsD


Posted by on December 18, 2012. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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