How to Copy-Paste a Building

How to Copy-Paste a Building

Depth of Surface
Exhibition Publication

The copy process, did not begin or end with computers and the internet, copy culture is ancient and its impact on the way we access, accumulate and distribute goods and ideas has only been amplified by digital technologies. 3D printing is the process of physical copies of digital objects newest and (more or less) available until now. But there are many other techniques, much less accessible and more similar, but equally innovative to copy other objects and structures, including buildings.

The Spanish Patricia Gomez and Maria Jesus Gonzalez copied the Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, using a technique called art conservation strappo – similar to the one used to remove fresh wall – to copy the “skin architecture” of this structure .

The beautiful result of this process are able to capture pictures over time on a wall.

The fact of removing paint from a wall is, for us, an act of impression we get from this practice is considered as an impression … a unique impression, created out of a study without a press, ink or paper, the concept line is that the wall is the matrix.

The exhibition presents the collection of prints taken was entitled “Doing Time, Depht Surface” . You can download the catalog that documents this particular process and results of site Philagrafika.

Image by: Philagrafika


Posted by on March 29, 2012. Filed under Articles, Innovation, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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